How to Thrive as a POC Small Biz Owner: The Road to Your First Hire

According to a study by Intuit, small business owners with no employees average $44k of revenue per year while small business owners with 1-4 employees average $387k of revenue per year. 97.5% of Black women businesses in the United States do not have a single employee.

Hiring someone to help with your business - whether an employee or a contractor - can feel like a daunting task. After all, you’ve probably gotten used to doing everything yourself and the idea of hiring someone else feels out of reach financially. But the numbers above tell a different story. The reality is, your business can’t afford to NOT hire someone once it reaches a certain stage.

In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to know when to hire your first or next employee/contractor, including writing a job description, creating an interview process, determining salary and rates, and creating a positive work environment.

  • January 25, 2021 at 5:00pm – 6pm
    915 Broadway
    New York, NY 10010
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Angela Chen
