
About Us

Littler is a U.S.-based labor and employment law firm with global reach. It has more than 1,700 attorneys in more than 100 offices worldwide. Littler is the largest labor and employment law firm in the U.S., with lawyers admitted to practice in every state. The firm works across a number of practice and industry groups, including its Emerging Technologies industry group. As the NY Tech Alliance (“NYTA”) works to connect and support New York City’s tech community, Littler can offer NYTA’s members—from startups to established Fortune 50 companies—the labor and employment legal guidance they need in an ever-evolving and increasingly difficult regulatory landscape. We welcome the opportunity to partner with the NYTA and its members to promote useful programming and legal insights, with the ultimate goal of helping New York City retain its position as a global technology hub.

Visit our website to learn more.

Why We Support NY Tech Alliance

Companies in the tech field, especially the newly established and growing companies, form a vital part of the economic life and energy of the New York area.  Our firm has supported innovation nationally and globally since its inception.  Our goal is to help members of the Alliance fulfill their business mission and reach their potential without missteps in an area where the law is complex, in constant flux, and often difficult for employers.  By providing guidance in everything related to companies and their workers –immigration, employment contracts, NDA’s and non-competes, benefits and pensions, anti-discrimination training and advice, background checks, accommodations and leaves, independent contractor issues, employment litigation and everything else --- we can fulfill our mission of helping Alliance members grow, thereby benefiting themselves, the tech community and the vibrancy that is New York.

How Can We Work Together?

Our Offer to You

We view our role not as outside attorneys to our clients, but as their legal business partners, with a primary goal of helping them stay compliant with legal obligations imposed by federal, state and local law.  This is particularly true for younger companies which are focused intently on business issues and may be prone to innocent but expensive mistakes in this area.  Our pledge to NYTA members is to provide responsive, pragmatic and creative advice to avoid legal issues, and firm responses when problems arise.  We also offer all manner of publications, webinars, free breakfast briefings, business roundtables and other resources so that members can stay on top of critical legal developments and have the opportunity to meet and hear from our subject matter experts.  

Our Ask of You

We look forward to working with Alliance members and ask that you feel free to consult with us about employment law issues.  No client is too small and no issue too trivial to be worthy of our consideration and a creative solution.  Please do not assume that because of our firm’s size you will be lost in a sea of other clients or priced out of our services.  We have a commitment to this sector and look forward to a long-term partnership.

Information, Knowledge & Resources - for You and Your Business

Key point of contact: Eric Savage:

Eric Savage bio:

Firm diversity page:

Practice areas:

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Firm news and analysis page: