Starting a Referral Program: Advice from an Expert

Referral programs are one of the most powerful and valuable forms of marketing with significant benefits that come with relatively little financial investment. With customer acquisition costs rising, using strategies like referral and word of mouth create a sustainable marketing channel that works for new and old startups.

By asking current customers to share and promote your products, you can develop a viral network effect that boosts our growth and sales.

Dropbox, PayPal, and Uber are all really good examples of companies that launched referral programs that helped them grow exponentially when they were starting out.

To learn more about starting a successful referral program, we’re excited to chat with Raul Galera, Partner Manager at ReferralCandy, an app that allows ecommerce brands to set up and run customer referral programs.

Join us as we dive into what makes a successful referral program, types of incentives you can offer, tools to use, and more!

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