Product Design: UI & UX Tips for Founders

Startups have realized that design is a key differentiator for their products and a source of competitive advantage.

The titans like Atlassian, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, prioritize design. So they hire worldclass designers and even acquire design agencies.

Those aren’t luxuries most early stage startups can afford. So how should an early-stage entrepreneur think about design during the early days? Where should it be on the priority list? What design principles, tips and even hacks can help entrepreneurs produce excellent and even sustainable early versions of brand, product, experience and marketing?

We’re excited to dive into this with Brendan Mahony, Co-founder & CEO of Contrast, a design tool that connects your code to your designs, making your handoff process easier. Contrast is a Y Combinator S18 alumni.

Join us as we dive into:

  • Important design principles

  • Form vs. function when it comes to designing

  • How to create a design strategy

  • Useful tools and resources

  • Ways to ensure a good design to development handoff
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